Spring Cleaning and Renewal: "Panchakarma"

Posted by Ele Keats on

Our well-being and health are everything. It is important to give our bodies the utmost respect and love. Taking time to truly care for ourselves is vital for continued radiant health through the process of life. Spring is the perfect time for this level of renewal for the body, mind, and spirit! 

Every year, I take a personal retreat to rejuvenate through an ancient healing process called Panchakarma

During these 12 powerful days of cleansing, it’s time to slow down and reflect. I always make sure to eat pure, simple, nourishing food while creating space for rest, meditation, and reflection.

Each day represents a different system within the body. "Panchakarma works to detoxify the seven tissue layers in the body (dhatus)."

The seven layers are:

  • Rasa (plasma/ immune system) - joy, faith
  • Rakta (blood) - passion, invigoration
  • Mamsa (skin, muscle) - discernment, uprightness
  • Medas (fat) - ability to love and be loved
  • Asthi (bone) - confidence, how we carry ourselves into the world
  • Majja (nervous system, bone marrow) - clarity of mind
  • Shukra (reproductive tissues & fluids) - creativity

In the afternoon of the fifth day, the sacred ritual of Panchakarma begins; entering the most magnificent womb of love.

The first five days consist of taking flax oil or ghee, working your way up to five tablespoons daily.

On the fifth night, right before bedtime, I sit in meditation to prepare my body for this powerful release. Once my mind feels clear, I drink a mixture of castor oil and orange juice, followed by an orange juice chaser. (It might sound intense, however in a meditative state, it is actually quite gentle).

Myrica Morningstar, the healing Panchakarma practitioner, guides me through this ancient process, suggesting that with each release, conscious awareness is made. Naming what you are ready to release, roots it into being, and is an incredibly powerful experience.

Myrica's sacred Panchakarma space is filled with love, healing, a warm bed, and the sweet gentle breeze of the Hawaiian tradewinds. You hear the soft sound of birds while magnificent flowers rest beneath your face, allowing you to inhale their exquisite nectar. 

Her table rests on top of a grid of beautiful crystals. In silence, you lay your body on a warm, healing table. Myrica and her co-practitioner lay their loving hands on your body. Prayers are spoken, and so it begins. Warm oil is gently poured over your entire body as four hands bring love, care, and attention to every detail of your sacred vessel. 

Myrica communicates that each of the dhatus is connected with an emotional or mental component. As you detox, you may feel extra tired or emotionally vulnerable. This is a natural cleansing reaction and it is important to nurture yourself during this process. Allow these feelings to rise up and out. 

I hope you are able to take the time to nourish and nurture yourself. Myrica has written a great book that walks you the process at home. You don't need to fly all the way over to Kauai to experience this greatness for yourself. 

Below are some resources to help achieve your wellness goals:

Crystal suggestions for letting go, releasing, and rejuvenating:

“Employ your mind in the service of what it is you are wanting to become." 

Xoxo, Ele

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